America the Beautiful Literature Package
These ten works of literature are assigned in the America the Beautiful curriculum to give your child a richer perspective on the various time periods studied. -Growing Up Dakota by Charles Eastman (Units 2-5) -Amos Fortune: Free Man by Elizabeth Yates (Units 6-7) -Brady by Jean Fritz (Units 9-10) -Bound for Oregon by Jean Van Leeuwen (Units 12-13) -Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt (Units 14-15) -Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Units 16-18) -All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor (Units 19-20) -Blue Willow by Doris Gates (Units 21-22) -Homer Price by Robert McCloskey (Unit 23) -Katy's Box by Mary Evelyn Notgrass McCurdy (Units 27-29) See the Notes on Literature in the Answer Key and Literature Guide.
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