Advanced Pre-Med Studies Bundle
A Fascinating Exploration Trace the fascinating history of medicine and discover the wonders of the human body in Advanced Pre-Med Studies! Through Body by Design, Exploring the World of Medicine, Genesis of Germs, and Building Blocks of Life Science, medical studies come alive as students:
- Explore the Biblical perspective on healing and medicines - Trace the spread of disease and understand how mutating diseases are proof of devolution rather than evolution
- Understand how germs fit into a Biblical worldview
- Discover the fascinating design of the human body
- Uncover the building blocks of life and the precise order within creation and so much more!
Advanced Pre-Med Studies Curriculum Set Includes:
Advanced Pre-Med Studies Teacher Guide:
- Suggested Daily Schedule—saving you time!
- Worksheets
- Quizzes & Tests
- Answer Key
Building Blocks in Life Science In Building Blocks in Life Science, students will study clear biological answers for how science and Scripture fit together as they discover how to defend their faith through science! Students will explore genetics, embryonic development, DNA, the roll of natural selection and more as they gain insight and clarity to the created patterns of order in living things.
The Genesis of Germs Discover the world of germs as Dr. Alan Gillen guides students through the origin of germs, how they fit in a Biblical worldview, their function before the fall, and how the mutation of germs fits within the Biblical framework! In Genesis of Germs, students will:
- Describe the designed structures and purposeful functions for each of the microbial systems.
- Explain the origin of disease from a creation, biblical perspective.
- Provide examples of microbiologists who have held a creation or intelligent design perspective.
Body by Design Explore basic anatomy and physiology in each of the 11 body systems through a Biblical worldview in Body by Design! Students will investigate the wonder, beauty, and design of the human body while examining disease, discoveries, and the past and present scientists and physicians who have made remarkable breakthroughs in the study of the human body!
Exploring the History of Medicine In Exploring the World of Medicine, author John Hudson Tiner reveals the spectacular discoveries that started with men and women who used their abilities to better mankind and give glory to God as students explore the fascinating history of medicine!
Through Biblical perspective, intriguing historical accounts, facts, mini-biographies, vintage illustrations, and more, students will discover the first physicians, the father of modern surgery, how mortality among young mothers decreased through hand-washing, the discovery that made surgery painless, and so much more!
Course Features:
- 30-45 minutes per lesson, 4-5x per week
- Perforated, 3-hole punched worksheets
- Recommended Grade Level: 9th - 12th
- Product Information
- Components