Easy Grammar: Grade 4 Teacher Edition
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This book continues to build on the foundation laid by Easy Grammar Grade 3 towards your student’s mastery of the English Language. Interesting, daily, 10 minute, age-appropriate lessons teach rules of capitalization, punctuation and parts of speech including the introduction of 40 prepositions. Your student will continue to learn how to write in a series and how to use appositives in sentences. As in other Easy Grammar books, each concept is introduced, reintroduced, applied and expanded until mastery is achieved.
This book contains 180 reproducible, daily, 10 minute lessons; teaching ideas and strategies; pre-assessments of concepts; both unit reviews & tests and cumulative reviews & tests; and answer keys for the lessons and tests. Note that tests are printed with the answer key on the facing page. Tests can be reproduced or the book can be folded back. Additional review and practice of this material can be found in Daily Grams Grade 4.
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