From Adam to Us Literature Package
These ten works of literature are assigned in the From Adam to Us curriculum to give your child a richer perspective on the various time periods studied. -The Golden Goblet by Eloise McGraw (Units 3-5) -The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs, editor (Units 6-7) -The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (Units 9-11) -A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park (Units 13-14) -Otto of the Silver Hand by Howard Pyle (Units 15-16) -The King's Fifth by Scott O'Dell (Units 18-21) -Madeleine Takes Command by Ethel C. Brill (Units 22-23) -The Switherby Pilgrims by Eleanor Spence (Units 24-25) -The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy (Unit 26-28) -Children of the Storm by Natasha Vins (Units 29-30) See the Notes to Parents on the Literature in the Answer Key.
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