Survey of Astronomy Bundle


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Explore the Wonders of the Universe!

Survey of Astronomy grows your student’s faith as they discover the incredible design, scope, and awe-inspiring nature of the universe. This homeschool curriculum for high school students is beautifully designed and includes incredible illustrations, DVD presentations, fascinating text, and worksheets.

In Survey of Astronomy your student will:

  • Identify how the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator
  • Learn the best ways and optimal times to observe planets and stars
  • Identify stars, planets, and constellations
  • Identify how the moon could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator
  • Discover how the phases of the moon work
  • Tour the universe
  • Explore numerous evidences that point to a young universe
  • Study the facts that challenge secular theories and models of the universe — how it began and how it continues to amaze the scientific community and so much more!

Survey of Astronomy Curriculum Pack Includes:

  1. Survey of Astronomy Teacher Guide

    • Suggested daily schedule—saving you time!
    • Worksheets
    • Quizzes
    • Answer Keys
  2. The Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky Explore the night sky, identify stars, constellations, and even planets as Dr. Jason Lisle guides your student in examining the beauty of God’s Creation with 150 full color star-charts! The Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky also now includes the FREE Stargazer’s Planisphere.

  3. Taking Back Astronomy Enjoy a breathtaking look at the universe in this comprehensive guide to the heavens as your student discovers the scale and size of the universe! With over 50 full-color, rarely-seen photos of stars, nebulae, and galaxies, students will study the facts that challenge secular theories and models of the universe — how it began and how it continues to amaze the scientific community.

  4. Our Created Moon For eons the moon has intrigued humanity. From its creation through the current issues of space exploration, the moon has been both a light in the night and a protective shield for earth, placed perfectly by God, regulating our seasons and keeping our atmosphere purified. Billions of dollars have been spent to reach its surface and discover its secrets—students will discover these secrets for themselves in this book!

  5. Our Created Moon DVD In this illustrated presentation, Dr. Don DeYoung looks at four of the most popular ideas offered regarding the moon's origin and logically concludes that this "lesser light" could only have been placed in its orbit by an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator.

6 Created Cosmos DVD The Psalmist wrote, "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the Son of man that You visit him?" Our universe is truly an amazing thing—the vastness of space boggles the mind, and the beauty of diversity we find points to a Creator. Students will tour the universe during this awe-inspiring presentation.

Course Features:

  • 30-45 minutes per lesson, 5x per week
  • Perforated, 3-hole punched worksheets
  • Recommended Grade Level: 9th - 12th
  • One year course to earn one science credit
Master Books

Hardback, Paperback

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